Angkor Thom, Cambodia | 3 of 3

Even though I wasn't keen on Angkor Thom, I really loved the photos we took. While were exploring some of the more secluded areas, there was an old Cambodian gentleman that started to lead us around the complex. He kept showing us the best places to take photos. I think we wouldn't have such great photos if it wasn't for him! I will always remember his kindness!

Angkor Thom, Cambodia | 2 of 3

Since Angkor Thom is such a popular temple, we spent a lot of time there. We wanted to make sure that we saw every hidden room and tucked away corner. We found a few secluded spots and we were able to take as many photos as we wanted! I even climbed a few of the ruins for a more dynamic look. I guess I'll do anything to get the perfect photo!

Angkor Thom, Cambodia | 1 of 3

While planning our Cambodia trip, there was one place I was determined to visit, Angkor Thom. This temple is famous for being featured in the first Lara Croft movie. I've seen so many pictures of the temple that was taken over by nature. I was so intrigued that I even put it on the Wandering Wishlist. I was so excited to run around pretending to be Lara Croft in Temple Run.

On our last say at Angkor Wat, we finally made it to Angkor Thom. Since it's one of the most popular temples, it was filled with tourists. It was more than overwhelming; it was annoying. I've seen so many pictures that highlight the natural beauty of the place, but they must've been taken years ago, because I didn't see any of that. There were just too many people and I really didn't enjoy Angkor Thom. Despite that, we were still able to get some amazing photos and I'm glad that I was able to cross another thing off the wishlist!

Elephant Ride | Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Ever since I was a kid, I've always wanted to ride an elephant. I think it all stems back to the first time I saw Aladdin. Seeing Abu turn into an elephant and storm into the palace is a scene I always remember. I never thought I would have the opportunity to be honest, but I put it on the wishlist in the hopes that I would one day. Most of the time, I put things on the wishlist because I want to do them, but never think that I would ever do them. I never would have thought that I would ever travel to Cambodia and ride an elephant in Angkor Wat. Seriously, I can't believe that this is my life. I get to do such awesome things with my best friend, what more could I ask for?

We were lucky enough to be able to ride the elephants through Angkor Wat. I know lots of people that have ridden elephants at Busch Gardens, but nothing can compare to this experience. It was quite surreal seeing ancient temples and being on top of a massive creature. It was pretty cool being able to see everything. Usually, when you're in a car or tuk-tuk, the view is limited, but on top of an elephant. You can see it all and it was absolutely beautiful.

Afterward, we had a chance to get a closer look at the elephants and I was a bit freaked out. One of my old students was attacked by an elephant in Thailand. After I remembered that story, I was too scared to get too close to the elephant. As you can see in my picture, I'm not really touching it, I sort of put my hand out in the hopes that it would be close enough. For some reason, he was really keen on Markus and they became best friends. Although, that's usually what happens with Markus, everyone becomes his best friend. Overall, riding an elephant was an amazing experience and one that I will never forget!

Pre Rup | Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Pre Rup, which means "turn the body", was probably my favorite temple in the Angkor Wat complex. It's not one of the popular temples and it's a little out of the way.  It was built in 961 or 962 and dedicated to the Hindu god, Shiva. When we visited, there weren't that many people. There were only a handful of tourists and even smaller amount of Khmer people trying to sell crafts. I think the main reason I liked Pre Rup was the because of the lack of people. Markus and I were able to explore freely. I hate feeling rushed when I'm traveling and I felt that at some of the other sites. Since there weren't heaps of people in the way, I was able to have a relaxing and enlightening experience.